You're Nothing But A Guinea Pig!
Hey, I could have called you an asshole! It'll happen. Give me time.
What I mean is this: Why not look at your workout programs/nutrition as experiments? You're a SAVAGE; you're committed to your workouts, but things can get a bit stale from time-to-time. Try this:
Eat more carbs for a few weeks.
How does your physique respond?
How does it look?
How do your workouts feel?
Are you stronger?
Are you weaker?
How do you feel? More energy? Less?
How are you sleeping?
Do only cardio for a few weeks. All variations of cardio: LISS, MISS, HIIT, HIT, Tabata. Again, check the above variables.
Only lift weights for a few weeks; no cardio. AGAIN, check the above variables.
Eat no carbs for a few weeks. YET AGAIN, check the above variables.
The possibilities of the experiments are endless really. And it's kind of fun and keeps things interesting. *fist bump*
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