Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Weight Loss and Accountability Coaching
Workout Apparel & Accessories
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to some of the most common questions my clients ask. There are obviously a lot more questions, so feel free to get in touch with me and ask away!
who is your ideal client?
My ideal client (male or female):
The average gym-goer and/or dieter who has tried countless methods, but is struggling to get the results they desire
Is patient and can commit to AT LEAST 3 months under my coaching
Is healthy and does not require special medical considerations when it comes to diet
Has a desire to learn how to live an active lifestyle that is both enjoyable and sustainable, FOREVER
Is not afraid to eat, and does not restrict any foods/food groups
Is an independent thinker who wants to become knowledgeable enough under my coaching to eventually become independent and continue on their journey without any coaching
is there anyone you will not coach?
Yes. I will not coach the following individuals:
Those who are looking for a competition prep coach
Those who prefer to restrict entire food groups (keto, paleo, vegetarian, etc.)
Those afraid to consume carbohydrates, sugar, dairy, fat, etc.
Those who prefer to consistently restrict calories/be on a diet
Those "afraid to eat too much"
A coach is someone who is responsible for managing or training a person or team; a coach is also an expert who trains someone learning or improving a skill. I "coach". I do not give you the answers. I teach and assist and guide you with the end game being that you will learn enough to take what you learn from me and can then apply it in the future to continue on your journey with enough knowledge so that you can reach future goals without having to pay someone to help you do so.
Why should I choose Savage Strong's online coaching over personal, face-to-face training?
With my plans, you will likely receive a more personal experience than you would with a "personal" trainer. I will be accessible, attentive and not distracted by a multitude of face-to-face clients. YOU will be my priority. My plans are also much less expensive than face-to-face training. Personal, in-gym training (at $50-$100 per session) can quickly become too costly to continue.
Will I achieve my goal physique with your 90-day plan?
Likely, no. Of course, it depends on your starting point. What you will gain in those 90 days is confidence, STRENGTH, knowledge, the habits necessary to remain consistent and - I'm hoping - passion for working out and learning how applying the proper nutrition can change your physique in such a way that you're excited to continue working towards your goals!
Do you guarantee results?
Yes. IF YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO! I will give you the tools to produce results, but it's up to you to do the work. I can guarantee that the tools I give you will work IF you are committed, consistent, persistent, push yourself and work hard.
Yes. It won't be MIRACULOUS or EASY or QUICK, but the knowledge will be invaluable. My 90-day Macro Plan will provide you with the knowledge and tools to learn how to figure the appropriate calories for your activity level resulting in weight loss.
All you really need is your body, but to progress, a nice set of dumbbells in 5 lb increments (from 5-25 lbs to start) is recommended. Resistance bands are also very versatile and easy to transport (great for travel too).
I just want to lose weight. Can you help me do that?
What types of home fitness equipment do you recommend?
Should I be doing cardio to lose weight?
If you love it, you should do it (and, of course, if your doctor says you must for cardiovascular health). However, cardio a) will help you lose weight at first, but then you'll plateau and just eat less and move more and that becomes a vicious cycle; and b) muscle = metabolism. Lifting weights/building muscle beats hours of cardio any day of the week as far as long-term changes in body composition are concerned. Oh, and c) Traditional cardio (treadmills, ellipticals, walking, jogging, etc.) are absolutely NOT necessary to build a lean, athletic physique.
Do you charge extra for nutritional guidance and a diet plan?
Nutritional guidance is provided with all plans. I do not provide specific menus/diets at this time. Macro plans include calorie and macronutrient goals along with general guidance and answers to your questions.
See "Products" Page
Where can I get that bad ass Savage Strong gear?